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Corresponding measures that can be taken when operating errors on different flexible slings

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-10      Origin: Site

Flexible slingDuring on-site operations, many users and friends have concluded that the reasons for errors can be divided into the following categories, such as technical explanations, personnel issues, operating skills, and construction time. Then, below, Zhengshen starts from several common problems and provides Let’s analyze the corresponding measures that can be taken.

1: Insufficient technical explanations

Countermeasures taken: The QC team can hold special research meetings, communicate with veteran employees, listen to the key points of hoisting construction quality control, clarify the content and direction of the disclosure, and formulate work instructions and construction key points cards. The key points cards must be easy to understand and made. The badges are issued to workers and should be carried with them wherever they go, so that workers can always understand the key points of their work and ensure construction quality.

Implementation effect: After the countermeasures are implemented, operators can fully understand the construction requirements and construction content, effectively carry out construction according to the established construction period, and the construction quality also meets the project target requirements.

2. Failure to train operating workers

Countermeasures taken:

1. Select experienced and skilled workers for on-site construction.

2. In order to enable young operators to apply their skills proficiently and be competent in hoisting construction tasks, the project department can organize theoretical knowledge training, practical guidance from on-site masters, and arrange for candidates to take up the job only after passing the theoretical and technical practical examinations.

3. Conduct interviews with workers every day before going to work, give detailed explanations of the day's construction content, and clarify the key points of quality control.

Implementation effect: After the countermeasures are implemented, the operators can master the operating skills and ensure the construction quality.

3. Night construction

Countermeasures taken: According to the on-site conditions, the QC team studied and discussed through meetings.

Implementation effect: After the implementation of the countermeasures, there are no blind spots within the hoisting construction range during night construction, and hoisting can be prepared and positioned to ensure the efficiency and safety of hoisting.

Futai Hoisting Equipment is an enterprise specializing in the production and sales of slings, rope mesh belts, and power and telecommunications construction machinery. 
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